Statute of Limitations?

How many years?

South Park posited that it takes 22.5 years for a tragic thing to be a subject for jokes. That makes sense, because it's the amount of time it takes for a kid conceived the day after the tragedy starts to become drinking age and get a little used to being drunk and talking shit. Which may explain why countries with lower drinking ages have much darker sense of humor.

Anyway, my brother Adam, born nine months and a week after 9/11/01, is 21 now.

Ironically, South Park's episode making that point involved AIDS, and what seemed at the time to be the utterly unrelated case of Jared from Subway losing weight. Jared turning out later to be a sex offender cast the episode n a different light in the years to come, making it jump the line a bit when it came to jokes.

My father-in-law was reactivated by the military on 9-11. But he didn't have an issue with us taking our honeymoon on that date, ten years ago, because it's a date few people wanted to travel on. Like everyone else, he was glad we got a good deal.

I choose to remember today as the ten year anniversary of that.
